A healthy diet and regular physical activity – these are the two things that every individual, who wants to keep their health at a high level, should implement in their life. If you eat the right foods that provide adequate amounts of nutrients, but you avoid exercise, then you can’t expect optimal health. On the other hand, workout without proper nutrition won’t be effective and in some cases, it can be dangerous. When we are talking about food and workout, it is good to mention that there are some healthy foods that are known for their ability to provide energy. These foods are especially effective when they are taken before a workout. Pre-workout nutrition is crucial for the final results of your physical activity. In this article, we will highlight some of the best healthy foods that provide energy.


If you want to fuel your workout routine, you can always count on oatmeal. This food is packed with protein and soluble fiber and contains different minerals and vitamins. (1) With the help of oatmeal, you will feel full and you will be able to focus on the workout process. If you want to boost its effects, add some milk and berries.


Eggs are loaded with protein and vitamin D making them an excellent food for energy before working out. Eggs have the ability to maintain energy levels and you can rest assured that you won’t feel hungry during the training process. Once again, if you want to get better results, you can make a combination with whole-grain toast. In this way, you’ll get more fiber.



Now here’s an example of food that you can consume not only before a workout. This healthy fish contains protein and omega-3 fatty acids. (2) According to several studies, salmon has significant amounts of magnesium and a few B vitamins. This means that by eating salmon you will not only get energy, but you will also enhance the calorie-burning effects of your workout. On top of that, the omega-3 fatty acids provide anti-inflammatory effects increasing endurance which are important for proper conducting of different exercises.


Quinoa is one of the trendy energy-boosting foods. This extremely nutritious grain is known for the high amounts of minerals, vitamins, fiber and protein. Many people use it as a replacement for brown rice in their dishes. Cooked quinoa tastes like nuts. Experts agree that quinoa should be part of any pre-workout nutrition plan because it can help people get energy even for the hardest exercises.



It turns out that almonds are excellent fuel for any type of workout. Just like the majority of nuts, almonds are packed with fiber, minerals, protein and healthy fat. With their help, your body will keep moving and flexing during your workout session. Almonds are tasty and they can be consumed quickly before the workout begins.

In case you want to get the most from your workouts, be sure to consume some of these foods that provide energy before you start doing exercises.

  1. http://www.mnn.com/food/healthy-eating/stories/oatmeal-nutrition-facts
  2. http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=foodspice&dbid=104


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