Jumping rope is one of the best forms of physical activity that will strengthen your cardiovascular system. It is also good for your mental health as it requires a certain level of focus and coordination. Jumping rope is a good way to start a workout and warm up quickly. This is because it’s a full-body activity.

If you’re a boxing fan, you will know that jumping rope has been a traditional part of training for a fight. All of the great boxers like Muhammad Ali, “Sugar” Ray Robinson, Mike Tyson, and Floyd Mayweather have all mastered jumping rope. Boxing skills are complimented by the skill of jumping rope.

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LFU Boxing: Summer Training 2016

Lee’s Fitness Unlimited Boxing from Mike Lee on Vimeo Share on Facebook Tweet Follow us Save

Hand Wrap Tutorial (180″ Wraps)

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Why You Need To Be Doing More Push-Ups

Push-ups are a fundamental exercise that work the entire body. For functional purposes, the push-up is a movement where a person has to force the momentum of their body by “pressing” or pushing against