Healthy Foods and Nutrients to Fuel The Body For Early Morning Exercise.

A good diet is absolutely necessary when you’re working out. Whether you’re looking to lose weight, or gain some muscle, a good diet on top of exercise and rest are the things that are absolutely necessary for that purpose. Breakfast is said to be the most important meal of the day, so it has to be nutritious and healthy to get you through the day. And under no circumstances should it be skipped. If you work out early in the morning then it is twice as important for you. You will require something healthy and highly nutritious to fuel the body for this early morning workout. And here are 5 ideas for such a breakfast. These are super simple and take about 5 minutes to assemble and even lesser to eat. Not too heavy and not too light, giving your body the thing it needs just right.

We start off with A whole wheat English muffin with nut butter (peanut, almond, etc). All you need to do to prepare it is just toast it, smear the butter and then eat and enjoy. If you’re doing a light workout then half will suffice, and if you’re doing a heavy workout then eat it all. Next up we have an Avocado toast with some sea salt. To prepare it start by toasting a slice of bread and as it is toasting, mash the avocado on top of it. Then top it all off with some flaky sea salt. A healthy, nutritious and delicious way to start your day and fuel your body for that workout. Up next we have ½ a cup of yogurt with some granola. You may be tempted to choose fat-free and low-calorie yogurt, but I would advise to not do that. Not for this instance at least; some fat, sugar and some extra calories are good for a morning workout. It will help provide the necessary fuel, and make sure you don’t burn yourself out. Go for regular or fruit yogurt or whatever variant you may prefer.

At number 4 we have ½ a cup of mixed fresh fruit. A super simple recipe, but don’t let it fool you it is very good. There is no complex preparation involved, in fact it is exactly as it sounds. Just some fresh fruit. And last but not the least, we have some oatmeal. Oatmeal is a good source of carbs, protein and fiber. In the morning, you don’t have time to prepare something very complex so these simple little things go a long way. They provide with enough nutrients and energy to get through the workout efficiently. But keep in mind that these are only pre-workout for early morning exercise. Follow up with plenty of fluids, and a proper breakfast afterwards. Because there’s no way you can function all day with just these things. Take a break of 30-minutes to 60-minutes post-workout and then have a proper breakfast. That will allow you to have muscle recovery and give you the energy you used back.

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