Health Benefits of Coffee

Coffee—It has always been a controversial issue whether or not this magical drink has any meaningful benefits. This magical brew is such a staple in the common diet that it is enjoyed from morning wake-up call to decaf with dessert. Coffee is the beverage that most folks are drinking all day long, especially those who work in offices. There are numerous benefits of coffee ranging from mental alertness to lower diabetes risk. Take a look at only a handful of its benefits.

Prolonged life

This may come as a surprise but it is true. Coffee can reduce your chances of dying. But what does that really mean? Well, according to research published in The American Journal of Epidemiology, four cups of coffee per day reduced the risk of death, from any cause, by 16 percent, and three cups per day reduced risk of death from cardiovascular disease by 21 percent.

Protects against cancer

Coffee is loaded with antioxidants such as polyphenols, which helps the immune system in the battle against cancer, parasites, and other similar diseases. According to a research conducted at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, it was found that drinking four or more cups of coffee per day reduced a man’s risk of prostate cancer recurrence by 59 percent.

But It’s not just limited to prostate cancer either. According to a meta-analysis performed by Chinese researchers, it was revealed that higher coffee consumption could reduce the risk of liver cancer by 50 percent, and similar study by Canadian researchers discovered that high coffee intake was associated with reduced risk of breast cancer.

Aids in Weight Loss

Polyphenols, as discussed earlier, is a highly efficient antioxidant. But not only that, the polyphenol in coffee can also function as a prebiotic for the good bacteria in your stomach. In addition to this, the caffeine makes it thermogenic, which basically means it helps you increase your resting metabolic rate and energy expenditure, leading to more calories burned.

Headache prevention

Coffee has been found to reduce chronic headaches. On the other hand, caffeine withdrawal may contribute to headaches if you drink it in excess, A research done in Norway found that if coffee is consumed moderately and regularly, it can reduce headaches. Those who drank 241 to 400 milligrams of caffeine (which is equal to two or three cups of coffee) on a regular basis, had the least number of headaches. Those who drank the least amount of coffee, less than 240 milligrams of caffeine to be exact, had the highest instances of chronic headaches that occurred more than 14 days per month.

Safeguard the liver

A handful of studies published in well-respected journals have found that coffee has been linked to a healthy liver, this includes reducing the risk of death from liver cirrhosis, a decrease in harmful liver enzyme levels and limiting liver scarring in people who suffer from hepatitis C.

So, here were some of the advantages and benefits of drinking coffee. There are a ton more!


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